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Slow down to speed up

Welcome to Rachel Sims Living. Rachel is a healer, artist, and embodiment guide helping you ground, nourish, and honor your sacred body. She teaches the principles of slowness, pacing, and presence to help you drop back into your body, so you can create a life from your most empowered state. Many women hold lifetimes of trauma and fear in their body, creating a dissonance and disassociation from our true selves, where anxious energy can take the front seat. Rachel is here to help you return back to your natural internal rhythms, connect  to the richness of your existence, and guide you to a more balanced way of being. She offers somatic exercises, guidance, and holistic practices for sovereign living (including helping people create more body freedom by starting their own at-home water-based business with Kangen Water).


Helping you ground, nourish, and honor your sacred body as a wombyn in this world. 


Rachel believes one of the best ways to help women return back to a more balanced and empowered state, is by walking the digital entrepreneurial path. The process of starting up a business can have it's challenges, like anything in life, but with the right support, encouragement, and guidance, the path can lead to true sovereignty in body, mind, and spirit. It can offer time-freedom, financial-freedom, and the ability to honor the body's needs and natural rhythms on a more regular basis - giving the body the space it needs during our monthly bleeds, taking precious time with loved ones when you desire, and offering yourself the chance to connect more with our beautiful earth and less with a computer screen.


Rachel provides women with that support, teaching grounding practices, mindset tools, and embodiment practices to help nourish the body so it feels safe to expand into this kind of freedom. She also helps women start their own at-home water-based business to get them started on their entrepreneurial journey. 


To learn more about starting your own at-home business with Rachel, email

"I went to Rachel for a one on one session because I was feeling vulnerable at the time and was in need of some spiritual support. While working with her I felt very safe. She held a nurturing space for me and I was able to release whatever I needed to release at that time. She is very intuitive and tuned in to where my chakra needed most help. I am forever grateful for her work. She is a true gift. Thank you for being the space of transformation."

- Spiritual Lifestyle Coach


Rachel Sims 

Rachel is here to help guide you back to yourself.


The name, Rachel Sims Living - an honoring of a path that led to many deaths, as well as many rebirths over her 33 years of life. She healed herself from 15 years of chronic illness, and a slew of traumatic incidents between 2019 and 2021. Each experience an initiation of self, that took her to the depths and outer reaches of life, inviting her deeper into love. On her healing path, she's continued to gather a wide variety of healing tools, to now help her clients with as they too journey forward - one step at a time.

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“Rachel is the embodiment of compassionate care and from the moment you meet, her energy envelopes you in a healing blanket of love and support that is truly rare to find.”

Danielle S.

“Rachel is a master healer and God sent light worker who taught me the art of loving both my light and my dark side.”

Kaileah D.

"Rachel taught me not to be too hard on myself, to be patient as success doesn't happen overnight, to embrace all the challenges I go through even if they seem dull and boring, and most importantly, to live."

Baby H.

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